Book lessons, or a workshop or clinic with me at my yard in West Sussex or I can travel to you for groups. Choose from Attuned Assessment workshops to help you to read the signs your horse is telling you about their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, clinics on whole horse health, Equisimulator lessons to improve riding style to help your horse to carry you more comfortably, and help with ethical training approaches to husbandry and veterinary procedures such as needle shyness and foot handling.

See upcoming in-person events for teaching events at my yard in West Sussex.

If you are interested in booking for me to do a workshop (half or full day) or clinic (2-3 days) at your yard, please fill out the form below. Equisimulator teaching is only available at my yard in West Sussex.

Attuned Assessment is my method of going deeper than a conventional veterinary physical examination with an animal. It consists of distance observations, paying attention to behavioural indicators, and assessing their body with your hands. Slowed down observations with the animal in as free a setting as is possible to begin with are highly valuable. Using various stations they can interact with give more information. And finally cultivating two-way communication in order to give the animal a voice can tell us where their needs might not be being met, where they hurt, and how they feel.

This way of collecting information about the physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of animals has them as an active participant in the process. As a result of this and the logical and sensitive way in which you go about it, the process can often reveal more than a conventional clinical examination does. This is not meant to teach you how to perform a clinical examination or to diagnose, and it is vital that qualified professionals carry out this part of the process of investigating our animals' ill health as well. But as an owner, this will equip you to help out the attending professionals, to better evaluate the efficacy of treatment or management, and enhance your relationship with your companion.

Attuned Assessment workshops

Whole horse health

This topic lends itself more to clinics held over more than one day so that we have time to cover the huge number of topics that feed into whole horse health, including:

  • Static and dynamic posture

  • Musculoskeletal development

  • Lifestyle and management

  • Hoof balance

  • Dental alignment

  • Saddle fit

  • Training approach

  • Rider balance and technique

Equisimulator lessons

  • Rider balance and technique can be a large contributor to the way your horse moves and feels - either helping them with their balance and improving their movement, or contributing to discomfort and dysfunction.

  • The Equisimulator is a spring-operated teaching aid for beginners and established riders to help with finding your position and balance and improving your synchronisation with the horse’s movement.

  • Explore asymmetries and long-term riding habits and learn how to overcome these without having to concentrate on directing the horse at the same time.

  • Link yours and your horse’s posture and movement, saddle fit, hoof and dental balance together in investigating possible discomfort and dysfunction.

Ethical training for cooperative care behaviours

  • I can help horses that struggle with veterinary or husbandry procedures such as injections or blood samples, foot trimming, clipping, eye medications and more.

  • I use a combination of identifying the underlying reasons for their aversion and reversing these, plus ethical training approaches.

  • I teach both the underlying principles as well as techniques so that you can continue to plan training sessions with a good understanding of what will be helpful and when.