Online help and resources

  • One to one consult calls

    Book a live Zoom call or phone call with me to delve deep into your unique situation, navigate conflicting advice, and formulate a plan that honours your values and nurtures your companion’s nature. Available for both horses and dogs. FREE 15 minute calls as well as longer more in-depth paid calls.

  • Attuned Assessment online workshop

    Next workshop 10th-24th October 2024

    Learn how to read your horse's habits, posture, body and hoof shape, and behaviour to answer questions like where they have pain or dysfunction, how their lifestyle is serving them, and where your relationship can thrive.

  • Needle shyness online course

    The ONLY in-depth online course on needle shyness. Taught by me, a vet with eight years of clinical experience. How to deeply understand and compassionately overcome needly shyness in your horse with communication, compassion and consent. Everyone with a horse needs this course!

  • Downloadable PDF guides

    • How to navigate conflicting advice

    • Attuned Assessment and have we really ruled out pain?

  • Blog

    Blog articles on topics from nutrition to veterinary interventions to the role of stress in health and wellbeing

  • Podcasts

    Podcast episodes featuring Dr Lily Wilson as a guest