The Vital Horse Podcast

with host Dr Lily Wilson

Episode 02 - Horse health and happiness with Karen Rohlf

In this episode, I am joined by Karen Rohlf of Dressage Naturally to talk about the interconnectedness of horse health and happiness and the role our relationship with them also plays in this. We discuss the three pillars and four deep roots of my approach, which Karen helped me to identify, and definitely practices herself.

About the host:

Dr Lily Wilson is a veterinary surgeon practicing in the UK. She runs a veterinary rehabilitation facility on a track system in West Sussex and has particular interest and expertise in species-appropriate lifestyles, postural improvement, and ethical behaviour modification. She also does home visits for whole horse evaluations and dentistry, and runs online courses, consultations, and coaching calls.

Lily’s passion is helping people and animals to live their best life together by nurturing their all-round wellbeing and unique partnership. She is fascinated by all aspects of wellbeing from how the body functions in health and disease to how we all learn, think and feel, and how all of this is intertwined. She wants to help people on their journeys of discovering how to keep horses’ bodies and minds healthy, comfortable, active and engaged and to explore the integral role of both the horse’s and our emotions in all of this.

About the guest:

Karen Rohlf, author and creator of Dressage Naturally  is an internationally recognized clinician who is changing the equestrian educational paradigm. She teaches students of all disciplines and levels from around the world in her clinics and the Dressage Naturally virtual programs.

Karen is well known for training horses with a priority on partnership, a student-empowering approach to teaching, and a positive and balanced point of view. She believes in getting to the heart of our mental, emotional, and physical partnership with our horses by bringing together the best of the worlds of dressage and partnership-based training. 

Karen’s passion for teaching extends beyond horse training. Her For The Love Of The Horse: Transform Your Business Action & Support Group is a result of her commitment to helping heart-centered equine professionals thrive so that horses may have a happier life in this industry.

To learn from Karen visit: and get started with 3 free videos, or contact her at

Relevant links:

Dressage Naturally

Transform Your Business Action & Support Group

Needle Shyness Online Course starting LIVE 1st January

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