Whole horse evaluations

I look at the whole horse and all human and management factors in finding the root causes of ilnesses, injuries, and behaviour. If you are concerned your horse is in pain but can’t find where or why, are trying to manage or resolve a known health condition or injury but aren’t making progress, or are struggling with behaviour or training, I can help.

I offer whole horse evaluations at my yard in West Sussex, UK, where you can bring your horse for us to spend a half or full day delving deep into the root causes of the signs you are seeing and how we can remedy them. I can also travel for whole horse evaluations for half or full days at your own yard in parts of Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, and Kent - please contact me using the form below.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in booking a whole horse evaluation to give me information about your unique case and what you need help with.

I will review your case and then send you initial advice and booking availability.

Please note these are NOT suitable for urgent and emergency cases. These require prompt attention by your registered vet either without travelling your horse or by travelling them only to a veterinary hospital.

I am happy to help with aftercare or exploring the root causes of the problem once your horse is stable enough to do so and fit to travel.

What can these sessions help you and your horse with?

I look at the whole horse and the horse-human partnership in identifying and helping horses showing signs of physical, mental and emotional discomfort and dysfunction. This process takes time and requires an in-depth look at many factors, something that may not be possible in a vet clinic or during a normal vet visit. Here are some of the things a whole horse evaluation is helpful for:

  • Have we really ruled out pain?

  • Why is my horse frequently injured or slow to heal?

  • Where should we start first with more involved veterinary diagnostics?

  • Why is my horse uncooperative for veterinary or husbandry procedures and how can I help this?

What do we look at during these sessions?

During these evaluations I consider:

  • Static and dynamic posture

  • Musculoskeletal development

  • Lifestyle and husbandry

  • Hoof balance

  • Dental alignment

  • Saddle fit

  • Training approach

  • Rider balance and technique

  • Either bring your horse to my yard in West Sussex or I can come to your yard depending on the distance to travel.

  • Fill out the enquiry form to let me know the reasons for the evaluation. Giving as much detail as possible means I can be best placed to advise on whether a whole horse evaluation seems appropriate, and will give us more time to go in-depth during the evaluation. I will review your case and then contact you with initial advice and booking availability. I also offer one-to-one online consultations to talk through your case, and rehabilitation livery.

  • .Evaluations will be for a half or full day depending on the extent of what we are planning on looking at.

  • Paying in advance secures your day slot. 30% of this acts as a deposit and is non-refundable if you cancel, the rest is refundable if you cancel.

  • I will give you guidance on where to go next, whether that’s for more sessions with me, or with another professional such as your vet for a diagnostic work-up, or farrier, bodyworker, behaviourist, or other.

How do the sessions work?