Work with me in person

  • Whole horse evaluations

    Arrange a home visit for your horse or bring your horse to my yard for a detailed evaluation of: static and dynamic posture; musculoskeletal development; lifestyle and husbandry; hoof balance; dental alignment; saddle fit; training approach; rider balance and technique, and for postural rehabilitation treatments including dentistry.

  • Rehabilitation livery

    Full livery service for assessment and rehabilitation - have your injured, mystery undiagnosed, or behavioral horse looked after by a vet. Offering a species-appropriate lifestyle, serial whole horse evaluations, plenty of enrichment and games, and a compassionate, ethical and effective approach to changing behaviour and health.

  • Lessons, workshops and clinics

    Book onto Equisimulator lessons, and half and full day workshops at my yard in West Sussex, or book for me to come to your yard for group workshops and clinics on my Attuned Assessment approach, for teaching a cooperative care approach to veterinary and husbandry procedures, and for topics on whole horse health and wellbeing.